
The Love Warrior

Love Warrior Loyalty Members

Love Warrior Monthly 60 Min Massage Membership

per month
Love Warrior Loyalty Membership Benefits:

*Members receive 1 On-Hour Shamanic Massage Ritual Monthly (does not roll over)

*Additional Massages in the same month at the $75 per hour rate.

*As a thank you - Members may gift their monthly massage or the Member Rate of $75 per hour to friends and family who need a little time in The Love Warrior Sanctuary

* Members Only Pricing for other Services, Events and Workshops.

*'Members Only' Gift Certificates and Promotions

*Preferred Scheduling with more availability.

Love Warrior Monthly 90 Min Massage Membership (Copy)

per month
Love Warrior Loyalty Membership Benefits:

*Members receive 1 - 90 Minute Shamanic Massage Ritual Monthly (does not roll over)

*Additional Massages in the same month at the $125 per hour rate.

*As a thank you - Members may gift their monthly massage or the Member Rate of $125 per session to friends and family who need a little time in The Love Warrior Sanctuary

* Members Only Pricing for other Services, Events and Workshops.

*'Members Only' Gift Certificates and Promotions

*Preferred Scheduling with more availability.

Love Warrior Memberships & Subscriptions

Love Warrior Djedi Dojo (Jedi Classes)

per month
The goal of this series is to ignite the ‘I AM’ consciousness.
Creating a Sacred Circle suitable for LightWorkers, Healers, Teachers, and Seekers.
Participants will be using personal and team dynamics to contact, integrate and actualize how their functional genius influences and creates experiential reality.

Tools & Topics: Multidimensional Reality, Synchronicity, Psychic Phenomena, Energy Healing , Contemporary Shamanism, Immortality and Miracles.

Pleasure Alchemy: Rhythm, Ritual & Reverence

Pleasure Alchemy Monthly MojoDojo

per month
Welcome to our monthly Pleasure Alchemy MojoDojo!
Join us on a transformative journey to discover the full range of your sensual and sexual potential. Explore the power of conscious touch, deep connection, and erotic energy to awaken a deeper sense of aliveness and pleasure.

Our experienced facilitators will guide you in creating a safe, respectful, and compassionate space for exploration and growth.

You'll learn practical tools and exercises to enhance your intimacy skills and cultivate a more fulfilling and satisfying sex life. Sign up now to embark on a path of self-discovery and transcendence. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to awaken your sensual potential and deepen your connection with yourself and your partner(s)!

Pleasure Alchemy: Rhythm, Ritual & Reverence Payment Plan

every 2 weeks for 10 weeks ($555.00 total)
We invite you to explore pleasure, sensuality, and intimacy as healing modalities. This event will provide practical, pleasurable ways to address those big challenges and mundane drudgeries that drain your energy. You will leave with practices and distinctions to help you navigate life with more clarity, purpose, and personal power.

Our intention is to provide a space for transformation. This is an experiential embodiment-focused weekend (not a "talking heads" workshop) that will include the kind of peaceful loving creation that holds a vibration so pure that it could stop wars, domineering behaviour, take, and possibly anything vile in the human condition. ' This. Yes. Thank You. 💜

Pleasure Alchemy: RRR One Time Payment

We invite you to explore pleasure, sensuality, and intimacy as healing modalities. This event will provide practical, pleasurable ways to address those big challenges and mundane drudgeries that drain your energy. You will leave with practices and distinctions to help you navigate life with more clarity, purpose, and personal power.

Our intention is to provide a space for transformation. This is an experiential embodiment-focused weekend (not a "talking heads" workshop) that will include the kind of peaceful loving creation that holds a vibration so pure that it could stop wars, domineering behaviour, take, and possibly anything vile in the human condition. ' This. Yes. Thank You. 💜